Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to improve performance and user experience. Cookies serve, for example, to identify your access device, which is useful to ensure access to all areas of the site and to ensure some particular functionalities. By browsing this website you consent to the use of cookies.

What cookies are
Cookies are small text files containing anonymous information saved on your access device by the website you browse through your browser.

What cookies are used for
Cookies are widely used online to ensure that websites work and provide important information to website managers, allowing faster and more efficient browsing.

How to manage cookies
Os cookies podem ser geridos por si diretamente através das definições do seu browser (programa que utiliza para navegar na internet). Siga o link associado ao browser que utiliza para saber como pode alterar as definições dos seus cookies:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer

For other browsers not listed, look in the Help option of the software itself.

Other cookies
When browsing this site, you may also receive other cookies, namely those placed by external platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, or others, as well as cookies placed by the Google Analytics tool, among others, which we may use to obtain statistical information about the site’s use. If you do not wish to accept Google Analytics cookies, click here to find out how to reject them.

Cookies in emails
When you receive an email from us, it may also use cookies to let us know if it has been read or clicked on. You can cancel the sending of these emails at any time.

If you want to know more about cookies, we suggest you consult the following  link.

If you have any questions about this, please get in touch with us.