“The aura reading with Inês was a calm and immersive experience. She made me feel very comfortable throughout the process and I felt truly connected and present even though I have done it online. She provided some tools to use in my day-to-day, to promote my well-being.

Every second of the experience made sense, this was not only my Aura Reading, but an experience of a lifetime. I truly unlocked and understood there was a fundamental detail in my life that I was missing: connecting with myself.

Past few weeks now, which were really intense with work, I feel switched on, I know for a fact that my spiritual path is the key to stopping having issues constantly, to fall back into the same traps that my mind used to play. Now I feel I am awake!

Thank you, Inês, there will never be words! Looking forward to reiki level 1 at the end of the month.”

“It was the first time I had this therapy. Throughout my session with Inês, I felt comfortable in a safe and trusting environment. Every minute that passed, a part of me was unlocked. It was an extraordinary experience that had a significant impact on my life.

After the session, I felt tired and transformed at the same time. With much information to digest and a different zest for life, a cry for change, transformation, and personal work.

I would recommend this type of therapy because for me it was the turning point, a new outlook on life, the unblocking of many emotions, clarification and deepening of my path. A new look to the future!

Thank you Inês”

“The aura reading I did with Inês was a very special, intense, and emotional moment. Everything Inês told me made so much sense and matched everything I was feeling.

It was vital for me to understand better what I feel inside, which sometimes I can’t externalize, and also to understand what I need to do to unblock some things.

It was undoubtedly a very enlightening session that helped guide me on the path I need to follow from now on. I just hope I’ll be able to achieve it. Thank you!”

“I had an amazing Reiki session with Innie that brought clarity to my emotions. It was really enlightening on different levels regarding my emotions and my further way through life. After the session I felt more like me again.

I highly recommend to do a Reiki session with Innie at the Space. Innies expertise and the relaxing atmosphere at the Space made the session amazing. I am grateful for the positive energy and insights. <3 Thank you!"

“Thank you very much Innie for everything! I could feel so many things and right now I feel free and without any thoughts. I am so thankful for your work and all your advice. Looking forward to seeing you in 2 weeks or maybe earlier when I come back to Uluwatu! Have a wonderful weekend”

“I had the pleasure of experiencing both a yin yoga class and a one-on-one reiki session with Innie, and I can’t recommend her enough! Her yin yoga class was incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating, and her expertise in reiki truly left me feeling amazing. Innie has a gift for creating a calming and healing atmosphere, and her energy and knowledge shine through in her practice. I’ll definitely be returning for more sessions. Thank you, Innie!”

“Thank you Ines for the session. I’ll try to work on the things that you mentioned and see where it goes.”

“Thank you for meeting you as an yoga teacher. Even when I’m doing morning yoga at home, in the end in my mind sound worth. And always remember: you’re the most important person in your life.”

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